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Privacy policy

Updated on August 26, 2023

This is a translation of the original statement in German. The translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal bearing. Only the German document is legally binding.

Welcome to "KLICKERUZH", the Classroom Response System of the Teaching Center of the Institute of Banking and Finance at the University of Zurich (UZH). UZH takes data protection very seriously, and as part of UZH, so do we.

In this statement, we explain what user data is collected, processed and shared, for what purpose, and what measures are taken to ensure the security of this data. All measures are in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations. This statement refers to details that are specific to "KLICKERUZH". You can find the data protection specifications of UZH at

You are also advised to review the "KLICKERUZH" Terms of Service, which sets forth the terms, conditions, and agreement under which we provide "KLICKERUZH" and all related services and under which you may use such offerings.

If you do not agree with the Privacy Policy or the Terms of Service, you may not use "KLICKERUZH" and any related services.

1. principles

All data will be collected and processed only for the intended purpose and will not be misused under any circumstances. We strictly adhere to the following principles:

  • We do not want to make money with your data. Under no circumstances will your user data be sold to third parties or used for advertising.
  • We handle user data sparingly (Privacy by Design). We make sure that no unnecessary data is collected in order to protect the privacy of each user as best as possible.
  • We store and process your data in Switzerland and Germany. Our partners comply with the Swiss and European data protection regulations and have accepted the data protection conditions of the University of Zurich.

2. scope and purpose of the processing of personal data

We refer to our users as VISITORS, PARTICIPANTS, or ADMINISTRATORS. If you visit our website and do not register (for example, to participate anonymously in a survey), you fall under VISITORS. If you register for an account (e.g., to use the KlickerUZH app or participate in a gamified challenge), you fall under PARTICIPANTS. If you create your own content for your classes and/or conduct them with participants, you fall under ADMINISTRATORS.

Users without an account who visit KLICKERUZH or participate in activitiesVISITORS
Users with account who visit KLICKERUZH or participate in activitiesPARTICIPANTS
Users with account who create and/or perform activities with KLICKERUZHADMINISTRATORS

We generally collect and store as little data as possible from VISITORS. While data such as IP addresses are inevitably collected during the transfer, they are not stored or further analyzed as part of KLICKERUZH, but may become part of reach analyses in pseudonymized form, as explained in Section 11. The interactions of VISITORS with activities in the KLICKERUZH are only recorded and stored in aggregated (e.g., choice of an answer option in quizzes) and anonymized form (e.g., text entries in live Q&A) and passed on in this form to the ADMINISTRATORS of the corresponding courses.

From PARTICIPANTS we collect and store, in addition to the data collected from VISITORS, the profile information of the created participant account (e.g., e-mail, pseudonym, password) as well as the data generated during the interaction with courses (e.g., created groups) and completed activities (e.g., answers to questions asked) within the KLICKERUZH and which are necessary for the provision of these activities. If PARTICIPANTS decide to participate in the (optional) Leaderboard as part of a course, we will additionally collect and store the accumulated scores as part of all activities.

VISITORS and PARTICIPANTS may have access to isolated data collected and stored by VISITORS and PARTICIPANTS as part of available activities for the purpose of gamifying activities as part of a course: the anonymized and/or aggregated responses of other VISITORS and PARTICIPANTS (e.g., as a histogram or Word Cloud); the pseudonyms and accumulated scores and achievements of other PARTICIPANTS and groups who also participate in the leaderboard of a course.

ADMINISTRATORS will have access to isolated data collected and stored by PARTICIPANTS as part of the available activities in their courses for the purpose of evaluating activities and analyzing course progress: individual PARTICIPANT profile information (email and pseudonym, if provided); information about the nature, frequency, and success of PARTICIPANTS' participation in the available activities; and points accumulated (optionally) by PARTICIPANTS as part of those activities and across the course.

From ADMINISTRATORS, in addition to the data collected from VISITORS, we collect and store the profile information of the created account, as well as necessary usage data such as the content of all created courses, questions, and related activities. ADMINISTRATORS can, if they wish, share their created content with other ADMINISTRATORS, or authorize other ADMINISTRATORS to access their account, using the available functionalities within the KLICKERUZH.

PARTICIPANTS and ADMINISTRATORS may at any time request to view their data or request the deletion of data beyond the collected data from VISITORS, or exercise this option directly through the provided functionalities within the KLICKERUZH.

The data collected through the use of KLICKERUZH may be analyzed by the Institute of Banking and Finance in anonymized form and exclusively in the service of science within the framework of research projects of the University of Zurich. ADMINISTRATORS may use the data made available to them within the framework of KLICKERUZH for teaching purposes only and may further evaluate it in anonymized form and must inform PARTICIPANTS of their evaluations in an appropriate manner.

Data elements collected

Data ElementWhoPurposeComment
IP addressesAll usersData transferUnavoidable for data transfer; only used and stored in anonymized form for reach analysis
Choice of response option or input for activitiesVISITORS and PARTICIPANTSSaving of interactionsSaved during the lifetime of the participant account
Participant account profile information (email, pseudonym, password), administrator account (email, password), or group (pseudonym)PARTICIPANTS and ADMINISTRATORSIdentification and sending of email messagesSaved during the lifetime of the participant account
Accumulated scores and achievements in all activitiesPARTICIPANTS participating in the leaderboardDisplayed in the leaderboard and awardsDisplayed to ADMINISTRATORS. Saved for as long as participants are on the leaderboard.
Type, frequency, and success of participation in available activitiesPARTICIPANTSImprovement of teaching and research purposesDisplayed to ADMINISTRATORS. Stored for the life of the participant account.
Contents of all created courses, questions, and related activitiesADMINISTRATORSUse of KLICKERUZH with PARTICIPANTSCan be displayed to PARTICIPANTS as part of the publication of activities

Handling of particularly sensitive personal data

All users are prohibited from sharing or asking PARTICIPANTS for sensitive personal data when using KLICKERUZH. Particularly sensitive personal data includes the following categories of information:

  1. data about religious, ideological, political or trade union views or activities.
  2. data concerning health, privacy or racial or ethnic origin
  3. genetic data
  4. biometric data that uniquely identify a natural person
  5. data on administrative or criminal prosecutions and sanctions
  6. data on social assistance measures

3. contact addresses

If you have any questions about data protection, would like to request information or request the deletion of your data, please contact:

Responsible for the processing of personal data:

University of Zurich, Teaching Center of the Institute for Banking and Finance
. Institute for Banking and Finance
Teaching Center, ClickerUZH
Plattenstrasse 14
8032 Zurich

We point out if there are other persons responsible for the processing of personal data in individual cases.

Data protection advisors

We have the following data protection advisors as a point of contact for data subjects and authorities for inquiries related to data protection:

University of Zurich
Department of Law and Data Protection
Künstlergasse 15
CH-8001 Zurich

4.1 Terms

Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. A data subject is a person about whom we process personal data.

Processing includes any handling of personal data, regardless of the means and procedures used, such as querying, matching, adapting, archiving, storing, reading out, disclosing, procuring, recording, collecting, deleting, disclosing, arranging, organizing, storing, modifying, disseminating, linking, destroying and using personal data.

We process personal data in accordance with Swiss data protection law such as, in particular, the Federal Data Protection Act (Data Protection Act, DPA) and the Ordinance on Data Protection (Data Protection Ordinance, DPA).

5. type, scope and purpose

We process those personal data that are necessary to carry out our activities and operations in a permanent, user-friendly, secure and reliable manner. In particular, such personal data may fall into the categories of inventory and contact data, browser and device data, content data, meta or marginal data and usage data.

We process personal data for the period of time necessary for the relevant purpose(s) or as required by law. Personal data whose processing is no longer required will be anonymized or deleted.

We may have personal data processed by third parties. We may process personal data jointly with third parties or transfer it to third parties. Such third parties are, in particular, specialized providers whose services we use. We also guarantee data protection for such third parties.

We process personal data only with the consent of the data subject, unless the processing is permitted for other legal reasons. Processing without consent may be permissible, for example, for the fulfillment of a contract with the data subject and for corresponding pre-contractual measures, in order to protect our overriding legitimate interests, because the processing is evident from the circumstances or after prior information.

In this context, we process in particular information that a data subject voluntarily provides to us when contacting us - for example, by letter, email, instant messaging, contact form, social media or telephone - or when registering for a user account. We may store such information, for example, in an address book, in a customer relationship management system (CRM system) or with comparable tools. If we receive data about other persons, the transmitting persons are obligated to ensure data protection with respect to these persons and to ensure the accuracy of this personal data.

We also process personal data that we receive from third parties, obtain from publicly available sources or collect in the course of our activities and operations, if and to the extent that such processing is permitted for legal reasons.

6. personal data abroad

We generally process personal data in Switzerland. However, we may also disclose or export personal data to other countries, in particular in order to process it or have it processed there, provided that the law there guarantees adequate data protection in accordance with a decision of the Swiss Federal Council.

As part of the operation of KlickerUZH, data is processed and stored in Switzerland (including the University of Zurich, SWITCH, Microsoft Azure) and Germany (Microsoft Azure).

7. rights of data subjects

7.1 Data protection rights

We grant data subjects all claims in accordance with applicable data protection law. In particular, data subjects have the following rights:

  • Information: Data subjects may request information as to whether we process personal data about them and, if so, what personal data is involved. Data subjects also receive the information required to assert their data protection rights and to ensure transparency. This includes the personal data processed as such, but also, among other things, information on the purpose of processing, the duration of storage, any disclosure or export of data to other countries and the origin of the personal data.
  • Correction and restriction: Data subjects may have inaccurate personal data corrected, incomplete data completed and the processing of their data restricted.
  • Deletion and objection: Data subjects may have personal data deleted ("right to be forgotten") and object to the processing of their data with effect for the future.
  • Data release and data transfer: Data subjects may request the surrender of personal data or the transfer of their data to another data controller.

We may suspend, restrict or refuse the exercise of data subjects' rights to the extent permitted by law. We can inform data subjects of any requirements that must be met in order to exercise their rights under data protection law. For example, we may refuse to provide information in whole or in part with reference to business secrets or the protection of other persons. We may also, for example, refuse to delete personal data in whole or in part with reference to statutory retention obligations.

We may exceptionally provide for costs for the exercise of rights. We will inform data subjects in advance of any costs.

We are obliged to take appropriate measures to identify data subjects who request information or assert other rights. Data subjects are obliged to cooperate.

7.2 Right of complaint

Data subjects have the right to enforce their data protection claims through legal channels or to lodge a complaint with a competent data protection supervisory authority. The data protection supervisory authority for private data controllers and federal bodies in Switzerland is the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC).

8. data security

We take appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure data security appropriate to the risk involved. However, we cannot guarantee absolute data security.

Our website is accessed using transport encryption (SSL / TLS, in particular with the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, abbreviated HTTPS). Most browsers mark transport encryption with a padlock in the address bar.

Our digital communication is subject - as is basically all digital communication - to mass surveillance without cause or suspicion and other monitoring by security authorities in Switzerland, the rest of Europe, the United States of America (USA) and other countries. We cannot directly influence the corresponding processing of personal data by secret services, police agencies and other security authorities.

9. use of the website

9.1 Cookies

We may use cookies. Cookies - our own cookies (first-party cookies) as well as cookies from third parties whose services we use (third-party cookies) - are data that are stored in the browser. Such stored data need not be limited to traditional cookies in text form.

Cookies can be stored in the browser temporarily as "session cookies" or for a certain period of time as so-called permanent cookies. "Session cookies" are automatically deleted when the browser is closed. Permanent cookies have a specific storage period. In particular, cookies enable us to recognize a browser the next time it visits our website and thus, for example, to measure the reach of our website. However, permanent cookies can also be used for online marketing, for example.

Cookies can be completely or partially deactivated and deleted at any time in the browser settings. Without cookies, our website may no longer be fully available. We actively request - at least if and to the extent necessary - the express consent to the use of cookies.

9.2 Server log files

We may record the following information for each access to our website, provided that this information is transmitted by your browser to our server infrastructure or can be determined by our web server: Date and time including time zone, Internet Protocol (IP) address, access status (HTTP status code), operating system including user interface and version, browser including language and version, individual sub-page of our website accessed including amount of data transferred, website last accessed in the same browser window (referer or referrer).

We store such information, which may also constitute personal data, in server log files. The information is necessary to provide our website permanently, user-friendly and reliable and to ensure data security and thus in particular the protection of personal data - also by third parties or with the help of third parties.

10. notifications and communications

We send notifications and communications by e-mail and via other communication channels such as instant messaging or SMS.

10.1 Performance and Reach Measurement.

Notifications and communications may contain web links or tracking pixels that record whether an individual communication was opened and which web links were clicked. Such web links and tracking pixels may also record the use of notifications and communications on a personal basis. We need this statistical recording of usage for performance and reach measurement in order to be able to send notifications and messages effectively and in a user-friendly manner based on the needs and reading habits of the recipients, as well as permanently, securely and reliably.

In principle, you must expressly consent to the use of your e-mail address and other contact addresses, unless such use is permitted for other legal reasons. For any consent, we use the "double opt-in" procedure wherever possible, i.e. you receive an e-mail with a web link that you must click to confirm, so that no misuse by unauthorized third parties can take place. We may log such consents including Internet Protocol (IP) address, date and time for evidence and security reasons.

In principle, you can object to receiving notifications and communications such as newsletters at any time. With such an objection, you can simultaneously object to the statistical recording of usage for performance and reach measurement. Required notifications and communications in connection with our activities and operations remain reserved.

10.3 Service providers for notifications and communications

We send notifications and communications with the help of specialized service providers.

In particular, we use:

11. social media

We are present on social media platforms and other online platforms in order to communicate with interested persons as well as to provide information about our activities and operations. In connection with such platforms, personal data may also be processed outside of Switzerland.

The General Terms and Conditions (GTC) and Terms of Use as well as data protection declarations and other provisions of the individual operators of such platforms also apply in each case. These provisions inform in particular about the rights of data subjects directly against the respective platform, which includes, for example, the right to information.

12. Services of third parties

We use services of specialized third parties in order to be able to carry out our activities and operations in a durable, user-friendly, secure and reliable manner. Such services allow us, among other things, to embed features and content on our website. In the case of such embedding, the services used record the Internet Protocol (IP) addresses of the users at least temporarily for technically compelling reasons.

For necessary security-related, statistical and technical purposes, third parties whose services we use may process data related to our activities and operations in aggregated, anonymized or pseudonymized form. This is, for example, performance or usage data in order to be able to offer the respective service.

In particular, we use:

10.1 Digital Infrastructure

We use services from specialized third parties to make use of required digital infrastructure in connection with our activities and operations. This includes, for example, hosting and storage services from selected providers.

In particular, we use:

  • Microsoft Azure: storage and other infrastructure; provider: Microsoft; Microsoft Azure-specific disclosures: "Privacy in Azure".

10.2 Automation and integration of apps and services.

We use specialized platforms to integrate and connect existing third-party apps and services. We can also use such "no-code" platforms to automate processes and activities with third-party apps and services.

In particular, we use:

10.3 Scheduling

We use services of specialized third parties to schedule appointments online, for example for meetings. In addition to this privacy policy, any directly visible terms and conditions of the services used, such as terms of use or privacy statements, also apply in each case.

We use in particular:

10.4 Audio and video conferencing

We use specialized audio and video conferencing services to communicate online. For example, we may use them to hold virtual meetings or conduct online classes and webinars. For participation in audio and video conferences, the legal texts of the individual services such as privacy statements and terms of use apply in addition.

Depending on the life situation, we recommend muting the microphone by default when participating in audio or video conferences, as well as blurring the background or fading in a virtual background.

We use in particular:

10.6 Digital audio and video content.

We use services from specialized third parties to enable direct playback of digital audio and video content, such as music or podcasts.

In particular, we use:

11. performance and reach measurement

We try to determine how our online offer is used. In this context, we may, for example, measure the success and reach of our activities and operations, as well as the effect of third-party links to our website. But we can also, for example, try out and compare how different parts or versions of our online offering are used ("A/B test" method). Based on the results of the success and reach measurement, we can in particular correct errors, strengthen popular content or make improvements to our online offering.

In most cases, the Internet Protocol (IP) addresses of individual users are stored for the purpose of measuring success and reach. In this case, IP addresses are generally shortened ("IP masking") in order to follow the principle of data economy through the corresponding pseudonymization.

Cookies may be used and user profiles may be created when measuring success and reach. Any user profiles created include, for example, the individual pages visited or content viewed on our website, information on the size of the screen or browser window and the - at least approximate - location. In principle, any user profiles are created exclusively in pseudonymous form and are not used to identify individual users. Individual services of third parties to which users are logged in can, if necessary, assign the use of our online offer to the user account or user profile at the respective service.

We use in particular:

  • Matomo: performance and reach measurement; provider: Matomo (free open source software); data protection information: use on our own server infrastructure and with pseudonymized Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, "List of all Matomo Features".

12. final provisions

We may amend and supplement this Privacy Policy at any time. We will inform about such adjustments and additions in an appropriate form, in particular by publishing the respective current privacy policy on our website.